All UK Kennel Club registered dog breeds
Golden Retriever – Grooming Guide
Watch as Chris Briggs gives a step-by-step guide to grooming a Golden Retriever. A simple clean and trim for dogs at home or in the show ring.
Spanish Water Dog
Have you ever heard of a Spanish Water Dog? Or wondered what its like to live with a Spanish Water Dog? The SWD has genetic ties and similar appearance to other water breeds…
Dandie Dinmont Terrier
The Scottish native breed whose name comes from a character in the novel Guy Mannering by Sir Walter Scott. The book even contributed to the names given to colours of the breed –…
Border Collie
Judith Gregory, one of the UK’s most successful breeders of Border Collies, bought her first Border Collie more than 60 years ago, and her relationship with the breed has seen her collect 10…
Co-owner and breeder of the UK’s most successful Boxer Ch Winuwuk Lust at First Sight, Tim Hutchings delves into the breed he got into accidentally, but that he has well and truly fallen…
Standard Poodle
We get into the nitty-gritty on the Standard Poodle with breeder Linda Barker.What is a poodle, the difference between Poodle sizes, and what were Poodles bred to do?
A powerful and compactly built British breed with its origins going back to a dog bred for Bullbaiting. Bulldogs have a large head, short face and fierce appearance but responsible breeders have long…
In 2016 the UK’s most successful show dog, otherwise known as Top Dog, was Papillon Travis, so Papillon breeders Joe Margi, Mike Gadsby and Tom Isherwood to provide the lowdown on these popular…
Jack Russell Terriers
All about the Jack Russell Terrier Watch: The expert view A unique situation with the Jack Russell, a British breed but developed in Australia… Well just watch this, the man behind most of…
Labrador Retriever
The UK’s most popular breed for decades, until it was overtaken by the French Bulldog in 2018. A family favourite due there superb nature and adaptability. Watch: The expert view